The number of foreign tourist visits to Sumatera barat through the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) entrance in February 2024 reached 8,228 visits - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Payakumbuh Municipality

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The number of foreign tourist visits to Sumatera barat through the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) entrance in February 2024 reached 8,228 visits

Release Date : April 1, 2024
File Size : 1.16 MB


  • In February 2024, there will be 8,228 foreign tourist visits to Sumatera Barat through the Minangkabau International Airport entrance. 
  • The ROR for star hotels in Sumatera Barat in February 2024 was 42.95 percent. 
  • The average length of stay for foreign and Indonesian guests at star-rated hotels during the period February 2024 is 1.23 days.
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