Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 2 Horticulture Individual Agricultural Holdings Payakumbuh Municipality - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Payakumbuh Municipality

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Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 2 Horticulture Individual Agricultural Holdings Payakumbuh Municipality

Catalog Number : 5106050.1376
Publication Number : 13760.24007
Release Date : August 16, 2024
File Size : 6.13 MB


The Census of Agriculture is an effort to accurately and comprehensively portray the state of the agricultural sector nationwide. The publication of the Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Phase II is the outcome of the field data collection in the 2023 Census of Agriculture. In the second phase publication, BPS-Statistics Indonesia presents more comprehensive data and information, as well as updates from publication edition I.

There is only one type of publications in the Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II in regency/municipality, namely Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Individual Agricultural Holdings, which consists of

1. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Food Crops Individual Agricultural Holdings,

2. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Horticulture Individual Agricultural Holdings,

3. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Estate Crops Individual Agricultural Holdings,

4. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Livestock Individual Agricultural Holdings,

5. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Fishery Individual Agricultural Holdings, and

6. Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition II: Forestry Individual Agricultural Holdings,

The Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture – Edition II: Horticulture Individual
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