The percentage of poor people in Sumatera Barat in March 2024 is 5.97 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Payakumbuh Municipality

The publication “Kota Payakumbuh Dalam Angka 2024” has been released and can be downloaded for free here

The percentage of poor people in Sumatera Barat in March 2024 is 5.97 percent.

Release Date : July 1, 2024
File Size : 6.55 MB


  • In March 2024, the number of poor people (people with per capita expenditure per month below the Poverty Line) in Sumatera Barat reached 345.73 thousand people (5.97 percent), a increase of 5.36 thousand people compared to the condition in Maret 2023 which amounted to 340.37 thousand people.
  • Based on area of ​​residence, in the period Maret 2023 - March 2024, the number of poor people in urban areas increased by 5.33 thousand people (from 133.79 thousand people in Maret 2023 to 139.12 thousand people in March 2024), while in In the same period, the number of poor people in rural areas increased by 0.05 thousand people (from 206.57 thousand people in Maret 2023 to 206.62 thousand people in March 2024).
  • The role of food commodities on the Poverty Line is much greater compared to the role of non-food commodities. Poverty Line Contribution The Food to Poverty Line in March 2024 was recorded at 75.94 percent.
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